Program Overview

The elite prep program is intended for athletes who have just completed a summer of U12 or U14 racing, and are ready to begin working toward bigger goals. The focus for winter training is building canoe/kayak specific strength and conditioning to make paddlers stronger and faster when they hit the water in the spring.

Program Requirements

Paddlers entereing into the elite prep program should have just completed a summer of U12 or U14 racing, and are looking to make improvement for their racing season next year. The prep program is intended for athletes who will be racing U12 or U14 next season and are looking to extend their season while the water is still warm! Athletes who are making the jump to U16 should consider the high performance program, after consultation with Rob.

Training Schedule

The Elite prep program will have training Monday thru Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00. As with anything, improvement comes through doing, and athletes will see the greatest improvement by attending practice as much as possible. 

Start Date and Cost

The Winter Elite Prep program begins Monday, November 4th and runs for 22 weeks, until Thursday, April 10th. 

The cost of the program is $770 for 22 weeks.
