High Performance Program


Program Overview

High Performance athletes train year-round to develop the physical, technical, and mental skills required for our sport. Training is highly individualized and modifications to the standard group schedule to meet the specific needs of individuals are frequent.  

Program Requirements

The High Performance paddling program is an invitation-only year-round program for athletes training to be the best in Canada and the world. High Performance athletes seek to train and perform at the maximum of their potential and attendance at all practices, competitions, and camps is needed to reach these goals. Athletes with other commitments which may affect their ability to meet these requirements should discuss these with Rob prior to registration.


For those skipping the year round option, and coming on board for the spring, please speak to Rob to ensure this is the right fit.

Training Schedule

The High Performance Group trains in the morning before school, in the afternoon, and Saturday mornings. Specific schedules will be sent out each week from the head coach.

Start Date and Cost

Spring/Summer High performance begins on April 21st, and runs until August 29th.

Paddlers will train, on average, twice a day, every day throughout the duration of the program. 

The cost of the Spring/Summer High Performance package is $1550. 

At checkout, payment can be made in full, or split into bi-weekly automatic credit card payments. 


The cost of the Spring/Summer High Performance package is $1550. 

At checkout, payment can be made in full, or split into bi-weekly automatic credit card payments.